Blog #3

Today in class we finished reading Message to Garcia. Although I agree with the main theme of the essay, to be a hard worker and not be lazy, some of the things said in the essay I had to disagree with. Mainly the fact that he has no sympathy for sweatshop workers, but sheds a tear for the bosses, who do much less work and get much more money. I find it confusing that he is such an advocate for hard work, yet is completely fine when people cut corners, which could lead to life-threatening circumstances, just so they can get a quick buck. He also used derogatory terms but given the time period that the essay was published, and excepting what the social norms were back then, I can understand why he would use them. However, if I was too skip over these moments, I can appreciate the very nice writing and how it is very good to inspire and motivate someone.


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