3 videos, 3 facts each.

Khan Academy video
1. Demographic transition states that the population will eventually stop growing when the country transitions from high birth rates and high death rates to low birth rates and death rates, stabilizing the population. 
2. This stabilization often occurs in industrialized countries, because less developed countries tend to rely on and follow the more developed countries for their advancements.
3. To get a growth rate of a specific year, you have to take a county's total population at the end of the year and subtract it by the population at the beginning of the year. Then you divide by the total number of people at the beginning of the year. Finally, you can multiply that by 100 and turn it into a percentage. 

​video from Kim Smith, Ph.D.
1. since the agricultural revolution 8,000 years ago to the industrial revolution, which began in 1750, that the world's population grew only 67,000 people every year, now the world population grows 67,000 people every 6-7 hours.
2. Improvements in sanitation and health care contribute to a country's development from stage one to stage two.
3. When a nation enters stage two, despite the mortality rates going down, the fertility rates stay the same. This is known as a Cultural lag because the technology that lead to the country's development changed too rapidly for the culture to adapt.

​Why Populations Grow
1. The only factor preventing the population growth of certain European countries is a positive Net Migration rate.
2. Natural increase can be represented as the area between the Birth and Death on a graph. The greater the distance between birth and death, assuming birth is greater, the greater population growth.
3. The mechanization of farms has reduced the need to have multiple children in order to have them assist with farm work.


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