More on Demographic Transition/ Monday quiz prep

Today in class we once more went over the demographic transition. I more or less understood it fully after the first class we went over it. However, as it seems there are still people confused about it we reviewed it once more in class. Demographic transition is defined aa model used to represent the movement of high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. There are four stages we have observed with a fifth one speculated to have certain countries enter/ certain countries already in it. Stage one is when a nation is struggling. The CDR is really high due to lack of food and medicine among other things, because of this the people have many children to counteract the high CDR. This results in a nation with high CDR and high CBR which cancels each other out leading in a very low NIR. When the nation gets a boost such as the industrial revolution or medical revolution that lowers the CDR the nation enters stage two. The CDR lowers but the CBR remains the same, which leads to a very high NIR. This makes the population boom. Then, as the nation develops rapidly, it enters stage three. When a nation becomes developed enough, there is no more need to have multiple children. The NIR is still positive but lowers than in stage two. Then, when fewer children produce is encouraged, it enters stage 4.


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