Western Ciz HW

The importance of:
Fertile Cresent- It was the area where civilization was first able to be developed.
Mesopotamia- Land between the two rivers, Tigres and Euphrates, that had many civilizations
City-state- An area similar to a state or province that includes a city and the land surrounding it.
Dynasty- The bloodline of rulers of a civilization, indicated who the next ruler would be.
Cultural Diffusion- Trade of culture or ideas, leads to the evolution of civilization.
Polytheism- Religion that worships multiple gods, the main type of religion.
Empire- Extensive group of city-states.
Hammurabi- the sixth king of the 1st Babylonian dynasty.

Three environmental challenges to Sumerians
1. Unpredictable flooding followed by long droughts
2. No natural barriers for protection
3. Natural resources were very limited.


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