Greece Notes

-Polis- City-state
-A city-state controlled between 50 and 500 square miles of territory
-Often home to fewer than 10,000 residents
-The agora (marketplace) was on top of a fortified hilltop called an acropolis where Greeks went to discuss city government
-Monarchy- Single person called a king ruled
-Aristocracy- Small group of nobles ruled
-Oligarchy- a government ruled by a few powerful people
-Tyrants- a powerful individual who took advantage of the common people by having them help him seize power.
-were seen as leaders that worked for the people
-Democracy- the rule by the people
-Nobleman named Draco took power (621 B.C)
-Developed a code that stated all, rich or poor, were equal under the law
-Solon came in power in 594 B.C
- Outlawed slavery and debt slavery
-created four classes based on wealth, only the top three could hold office
-all were able to participate in the assembly
-Made it so any citizen could punish a wrongdoer
-Cleisthenes introduced more reforms (594 BC)
-Organized citizens by where they lived rather than their wealth (10 groups)
-allowed all citizens to submit laws for debate
-created council of 500
-this body proposed laws and was chosen by random
-citizenship was restricted to free adult male landowners
-only sons of wealthy families went to school
-schooled in reading, grammar, poetry, history, mathematics, and music
-also learned logic and public speaking so as to train them to be debaters
-then sent to military school to learn to fight
-girls stayed at home and learned to be good wives and mothers
-Helots- people forced to stay on the land they worked on
-After almost losing to a rebellion, Sparta dedicated themselves to becoming a strong city-state


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