Greek note 2

Notes on Greece #2

Only 20% of Greek land was suitable for farming

Greek diet consists of grains, grapes, olives, and fish; a very healthy diet

                                                              Trojan War
Greeks have fought in many wars over time;
Trojan War- fought around 1200 BCE
Was incorporated into Greek Mythology; was thought to be fake at first because of this
The story goes that Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite fought over a golden apple. Paris decided that Aphrodite was the fairest so Paris was gifted with the love of Helen (Spartan princess) which caused the war

1200 BCE- mysterious sea-people invaded and burned Mycenae
Dorians moved into the war-torn region dominating from 1150-750 BCE
             Dorians were:
Far less advanced
Trade-based economy collapse
not literate 

Homer- told stories by word of mouth
Composed stories of the Trojan War
        c. 750 - 700 BCE

Homeric Question:
Was Homer a real person or was he just a mythical creation used to explain where the stories came from while in reality, the stories are the product of generations of story-telling?


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