Some more Greek stuff and test next class I think

Today in class we went over different governments and rulers of ancient Greece.
A few systems of governments were:

  • monarchy: rule by a single person (a king, in Greece)
  • aristocracy: rule by a small group of noble, very rich, landowning families
  • oligarchy: wealthy groups, dissatisfied with the aristocratic rule, who seized power (often with military help)
  • tyrant: a powerful individual who seized control by appealing to the common people for support 

We also reviewed some of the tyrants that ruled Greece.

Draco: reign was so infamous for being harsh that the term "draconian" is still used today to mean unduly harsh. Draco ruled in 621 BC and made a lot of changes in Athens during his rule. He made it clear that the rich and poor were all equal under the law for one. His punishment for many crimes was the death penalty. He allowed debt slavery, the practice of someone becoming a slave in order to pay off their debts.r

 Solon: ruled around 594 BC and made reforms to the draconian Athens. The first major reform he made was to outlaw debt slavery. He also made it so that all Athenians could speak at the Assembly and that any citizens could press charges against someone for wrongdoings.

Hippias: a tyrant who ruled from 527 to 510 BCE. After his brother was murdered, he became very harsh. Due to this, he was ostracized from Athens. Of all these tyrants he would be the most similar to a modern-day tyrant.


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