Cyber lesson 3/30- The double edged sword of cyber-learning

I've been enjoying cyber school, however, I must admit it is getting a bit too hard to handle. On one hand, it's very nice to have a free schedule and be in charge of my own learning (with the help of the teacher's lesson plans, however) but on the other hand, it's been difficult to find the motivation to do work. The more I stay at home, the more it feels like a long vacation, and the more it feels like a vacation, the harder it is to force myself to work. I found myself last week starting to get the habit of skipping assignments or procrastinating intensely. After I noticed that I was starting to develop it has a habit, I made a dedicated effort to break it and resume the good habit of completing all my work. After reading today's assignment, it came to my mind that the teachers also have it rough right now, how they must have all assignments be written ones and be worth a grade otherwise most people would skip it (I must admit that I would be guilty of that). My conclusion for how cyber school is going would be that freedom can be a wonderful gift, but only if you have the discipline to not exploit it. In other words, the people who are actually responsible (not me) are probably the one gaining the most from cyberlearning, while the ones who typically don't do assignments or turn them in late (me a little) are probably the one who most struggle with it


  1. "...freedom can be a wonderful gift, but only if you have the discipline to not exploit it." David, that is one of the most accurate and astute observations ever. Cyber school is tough on students (and on teachers - thank you for noticing) and we all need to develop new habits and styles, with basically no notice or training.

    Other than that, everything is cool.

    Thank God for Spring Break!

    (You got this, David!)


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