A poor attempt at poetry

The Athenian Plague

As the darkness fell on the land, so too did fear.
So sure to win the war
the Athenians had boasted,
how could they have foreseen the horrors to come?
Struggling, reaching desperately for their thirst to be quenched,
a cruel joke it played on its victims.
Pain, distraught, suffering until its victim reached their dying breath.
Panic, fear, hopelessness to those who had evaded the Plague.
How could anyone be brought to endure such pain?
It starts with just one, one person to be sick.
Then it becomes ten, ten people to be sick.
Then it becomes 100, then 1000, then before you know it mass graves are being built.
At least I, living thousand of years after this happened, would never experience an incident like this.
Surely now, a plague so great could never happen.


  1. Well, David, you were wrong about one thing: this was not a "poor attempt."

    It was actually terrific (as you probably know). Great imagery, interesting structure, and of COURSE it has relevance to today's world. (So, if people who are sick come in close contact with other people, THEY will get sick TOO? And every reputable scientist in the world is telling us this? Whatever shall we do?)

    *heavy sigh


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