Ancient Greek Theaters

1. Describe the kinds of dramas that were performed in the theaters of ancient Greece.

There were two types of dramas in Ancient Greek theatrical productions: Tragedy and Comedy. A Tragedy was a drama in which the tone was more serious and dealt with themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal. A tragedy would involve a tragic hero, a hero who suffered a tragic flaw. A comedy was a production that was more natured on humor. Comedies often included scenes of slapstick comedy and crude humor. Occasionally, comedies were used as tools to make fun of politics, certain people, and ideas. An example of such would be The birds and Lysistrata, which portrayed the women of Athens forcing their husbands to end the Peloponnesus War.

2. Describe the similarities between an ancient Greek production and a film you have seen recently. The Greek production – and the film – can be either a comedy or a tragedy.

A film I saw recently was Joker. I would consider Joker to be similar to a Greek tragedy. Using a serious and dark environment, Joker told a story involving grim themes such as mental illness, death, oppression, and inequality. The film was used, not only as a means of entertainment but also as a tool to highlight issues and modern problems in our society. Where it differs from a Greek tragedy is the structure of a tragic hero. In Joker, there is no tragic flaw that leads to the tragedy, it was by chance that Arthur Fleck was put in the situation he was. Another difference is that while the tragedy ended with Arthur dying, it was metaphorically, not physically. Modern films each have their own structures, however, so while Joker may not have had a very similar structure to Greek Tragedies, some other film may be.

3)     Find an online image of a theater from ancient Greece, post it to your blog, and describe it in a few sentences.

This is an image of an Ancient Greek theater. The stands are curved around the stage most likely to have sound most easily be heard by everyone. It also is outside with no roof due to the fact that they had to rely on natural light.


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