Plato's best and worst ideas

1)     How did Plato define The Forms?
      Plato defined The Forms as a perfect world with the perfect version of everything in this world. An example would be that in the world of Forms there is an ideal tree, a tree that is perfect in all its characteristics, while in our world no such tree exists, even if there might be some that are close.

2)     Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society?
      Plato suggested the three groups in his society to be the producers, the military, and the rulers. 

3)     What were Plato’s thoughts on women?
       Plato was inconsistent with his thoughts on women. At times he suggested they be as capable as men, which is amazing considering he lived thousands of years ago. At other times, however, he said that they were like children and incorrectly stated that their womb was alive and would travel around their body causing disease.

4)     What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed?
       In order to convince the people to follow his idea of the three ideal groups in a society, Plato constructed a Noble Lie that stated that we are each born with gold, silver, brass, and iron inside us that determine our place in society.


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