Term Time

  • Republic- Form of government where power rests with citizens who Have te right to vote for their leaders
  • Patrician- The wealth landowners who held most of the power
  • Plebeian- The common folk that made up the majority of the population
  • Tribune-  representatives voted by and for the plebians.
  • Consul- The two voted Roman officials; commanded the army and directed the government with limited power
  • Senate- Aristocratic branch of Rome's government; handled the legislative and administrative functions of the government.
  • Dictator- A leader with absolute power to command the army and make laws.
  • Legion- Large military units with 5,000 infantry with a cavalry unit.
  • Punic Wars- The long series of wars between Rome and Carthage.
  • Hannibal- The 27-year-old mastermind behind the Carthage military; wanted to avenge Carthage's earlier defeat


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