The Twelve Tables

All societies must have a system of rules or laws to maintain control and prevent chaos. These laws, however, were unwritten which would lead to misinterpreting to fit one's own agenda. In addition to this, the rich patricians had absolute control of the law, being able to change it however they saw fit. This, of course, led to the exploitation of the plebians. In order to have a fair system of government, the plebians protested until the Tribune of the Plebs was created. This gave the common people a representative to speak on their behalf. In order to prevent having the law be vague in its meaning, it was written down physically in order to have a definitive definition of said laws. The law was written on the Twelve Tables, which were 12 tablets inscribed with the laws. At first, it was wooden, however, it was later turned into bronze. The Twelve Tables were presented publicly so everyone knew the law. This was a major win for the plebians because it protected them against unfair changes or interpretation of the laws.


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